Author: Gary Veloso
Goodbye, old world
By: Danilo S. Venida
Original Post:
As the lockdown eases, people will once again venture out from whatever domicile they got stuck in over the last two-plus months, going three. It will not be as it was pre-lockdown. The COVID-19 virus is still very much around and awaits a second chance to be passed on much faster from one person to another, and cause sickness, misery, and more deaths. The lockdown only hoped to break the spread chain, not congest the health care system, and deprive the virus of hosts to hopefully fizzle out. Without vaccines and anti-gens, such is wishful thinking. Viral spread can reignite when people reencounter.
Against this risk is the challenge to break the continuing disruption the lockdown has triggered on gainful enterprise by most people. Mass hunger can set in. Economic recovery may drag longer. The choice is stark, indeed. The horizon is dark. A different world will greet people as the lockdown eases. The threat of viral death remains.
Fear of death is not the issue. This inevitable reality is confronted day by day. The issue is protecting life. COVID-19 is causing death that must be prevented. It is everyone’s responsibility to take up this challenge: Do not risk dying from COVID-19, for yourself and for others. This context puts beyond admirable the role of essential workers who provide services and goods necessary to keep and care for life under the lockdown, and to find a breakthrough in putting the virus under control. Words are inadequate to express the gratitude people must extend to them.
Will this spirit of self-sacrifice for the benefit of the common good survive the lockdown easing and the virus hopefully exiting? The impact of COVID-19 on the global status quo is still unraveling. People are talking of a “new normal.” Is it really a “new world” that people will venture out to when the pandemic dust settles down?
After being given all the time to reflect on what this pandemic is saying to the world, what is the takeaway?
The “old world” is a dynamic perspective. There have been many “old worlds” ushering in the “new.” The original migration wave from Europe to the Americas was literally referred to as opening up a “New World.” There was the societal shift due to the industrial revolution; the new order after two World Wars; and, more recently, the information and technology revolution ushering in the cyberworld. The basic foundation of society gets shaken, and a new world order evolves.
COVID-19 is shaking the world’s basic foundation in this third decade of the 21st century. Generations, from Boomers to Generation X, millennials and Generation Z, are for the first time witnessing a global experience causing death and suffering across borders. The experience is likely to continue and not allow people to go back to the regimen they were used to for some time to come.
The debate on how best to transition to reopening business and employment can miss the point of the COVID-19 message. There are many who have died and are still dying. And many of these are caregivers, medical and health professionals and workers, first responders, health protocol enforcers—those who willingly risk their lives in order that others may live. They are not just statistics. They are people who are loved, and have loved ones. In the context of this pandemic, they are martyrs who must shake the mindset of indifference in the “old world” toward how people in the margins of society exist.
Those who offered their lives in the world wars are bestowed monuments in order that their grateful countrymen would not forget that lives were sacrificed for the freedom that is enjoyed generations later. The sense of gratitude must always accompany the living under the new order. Yet many still forget. The deaths from COVID-19 will go for naught if the world will not learn that the global village is, indeed, one world.
There will have to be caring for one another across borders. The wealth generated over time by entrepreneurs is with them under stewardship. There are higher purposes for these resources. The real need to uplift the many pinned down under lockdown is great. The invisible virus of COVID-19 is telling us all to reflect, and to have the wisdom and courage to say goodbye to a self-centered “old world.”
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Danilo S. Venida ( is a former president of the Philippine Daily Inquirer and now a business consultant.

By Malou Darvin
Valle Verde 5 recently celebrated its 40th year anniversary via the Community Fair Event held last February 15, 2020 at the VV5 Clubhouse. The event was graced by Pasig Mayor Vico Sotto and Celebrity Mom, Ms. Connie Reyes. It was a fun family day for VV5 residents, including guests who were treated to Inflatable slides for kids, Zumba lesson for active seniors and moms, delicious food treats, inflatable slides for kids and a free concert.
WONDERZYME was invited to participate in the event by Ms. Rose Blancaflor, a VV5 resident and coordinator for the event. Showcased Wonderzyme products were disinfectant/cleaning products – Nature’s Spray, Dishwashing, Citronella Mosquito Off Spray, Hand Sanitizer, Liquid Hand Soap,, Fragrance Spray. Also available were various Petzyme products.

By Malou Darvin
A sampling event was held at District 89 Bar in Banawe, QC during the Reunion Concert of Side A, renowned pop Band last January 24. The event was made possible by KAREN who made Side A’s Original member and lead vocalist, Joey Generoso (in photo) try out PERKUP drops.
PERKUP Anti-hangover is so easy to use. Simply add 3 drops in a glass of water, before and after drinking alcohol.
Everyone who attended had so much fun, drinking, enjoying the music and using Perkup. We are confident, that those who tried Perkup, feel amazing the next day, without the feeling of hangover!

A Joy That is Shared is a Joy Made Double
Spreading the Christmas Joy in Ibaan
“A Joy That is Shared is a Joy Made Double.” For the fifth straight year, the INFARMCO Group through Europhil Swine Genetics, Inc. (ESGI) reached out to the students of the Sto. Nino Elementary School in Ibaan, Batangas. The group led by ESGI Operations Manager Leo T. Apo distributed hundreds of gifts to the awaiting pupils. They were welcomed by Principal Gina Cayetano and the teaching staff and gave ESGI a plaque of appreciation. The children also gave a welcome dance performance.
After the outreach activity, the group proceeded to ESGI office for its Christmas Party. ESGI GM Natalie Teng and Leo Apo gave the welcome and Christmas messages to the employees.

INFARMCO Opens New Warehouse
The INFARMCO Group opened its new warehouse in Pandi, Bulacan last October 22, 2019. The warehouse with upgraded facilities will further enhance the Company’s logistical needs to better serve its customers.
The blessing of the warehouse by Fr. Jimmy Liao was led by INFARMCO Group Chairman Tony N. Chua and President Jimmy N. Chua. Also present were MS Schippers GM Natalie C. Teng, LMF GM Mel David, supplier representatives, and guests of the INFARMCO Group. The blessing also coincided with the birthday of Chairman Tony N. Chua.

Wonderzyme’s Sponsorship at Brafe 14 Golf – Golfing for Education