INFARMCO participates in the 25th National Hog Convention and Trade Exhibits in Bacolod City from April 14-16. The event which was organized by the National Federation of Hog Farmers, Inc. and the Pork Producers Federation of the Phils, Inc. is an annual gathering of commercial and backyard hog farmers where participants and experts share their techniques and experiences.
Author: Gary Veloso
Biogas conversion facility in LMF nears completion
The biogas conversion and waste water treatment facility in Lexus Multiplier Farm (LMF) is nearing completion. According to Mr. Mel David, GM for LFM, the facility should be fully operational by 2nd quarter of 2016. When fully operational the facility will be able to provide electrical power, harnessed from the waste material of the animals to produce methane gas, to power the entire complex. This will translate in big savings for LMF in terms of electricity costs. Moreover, any excess power production can be provided to neighboring communities contributing a vital role in one of INFARMCO’s values of social responsibility.
Aside from generating electrical power, the facility will also have a by-product of organic fertilizer. These fertilizers can be sold as additional income or be used in LMF’s own fruit and vegetable plots.
INFARMCO boar sets record breaking index of 269.8 at INAHGEN
IFC (International Farms Corporation) of the INFARMCO Group companies registered a record breaking achievement for getting the highest ever performance index in 27th INAHGEN Boar Auction. The performance index with a score of 269.8 was highest ever recorded since the auction which began 1984. The breed which was a Landrace boar also garnered the highest bid in the auction with a price of P195,000. IFC also placed highest in the Large White category which got an index of 244.5 and the 2nd highest bid price at P170,000. IFC also garnered third place in the Large White category. While ISGI (International Swine Genetics, Inc>) got the 2nd and 3rd places in the Duroc category.